European Network for Psychosocial Support - National societies: PSS contact(s), work field(s), etc.
On this site you can find a short description about the field of PSS and the work in according national societies and contact person(s) for psychosocial related topics and issues in the national societies.
This site is still in progress.
Please contact us (enps(at) if
- there are mistakes in your national society description
- there are changes
- you want to be listed send us following information:
- Who is responsible for psychosocial support (PSS)?
- Contact for PSS
- Website of the national society or PSS
- Field of psychosocial support at the moment
Armenian Red Cross Society
Who is responsible for psychosocial support (PSS)?
Naira Yerkanyan, Psychologist, PSS Focal Point
Contact for PSS
Naira Yerkanyan
Phone: +374 95 55 03 80
Fax: +974 60 52 50 54
e-mail: nairayerkanyan(at)
Website of the national society or PSS
Field of psychosocial support at the moment
- Children’s Resilience Program for Syrian refugee children in schools (Children’s resilience workshops in schools elaborated by the IFRC PS Centre)
- Psycho-social support to elderly refugees and children from Azerbaijan living in dormitories since 1989 (psychological assistance to volunteers working with elderly and children, conducting integration clubs for refugee children) .
- PSS trainings for Disaster Management staff members and volunteers.
- TB project including psycho-social support meetings for beneficiaries and trainings for nurses.
- Psychological assistance to volunteers involved in ''HIV prevention in Armenia '' program in the implementation procedure of CRP (Children's Resilience Program) workshops with HIV positive children.
- Individual and group consultations and trainings for refugee women.
Austrian Red Cross
Who is responsible for psychosocial support (PSS)?
At the Headquarters level we have shared responsibility:
Organization of PSS (operational part): Monika Stickler
Chief psychologist (Expert’s part): Barbara Juen
Contact for PSS
Barbara Juen
Phone - Mobile: +43 664 823 48 68
Fax: +43 (0)512 507 56199
e-mail: barbara.juen(at)
Monika Stickler
Phone: +43 1 58900 134
e-mail: monika.stickler(at)
Website of the national society or PSS
Field of psychosocial support at the moment
The current model of Psychosocial Acute Support within the Austrian Red Cross was first piloted in the Tyrolean Branch during the avalanches in Galtür 1999 and then adopted in the other Branches The regional branches of the Austrian Red Cross (Tyrol, 1999 and Upper Austria, 2000) have been the first step in developing a scientific and organisational structure.
These developments went parallel to several tragic incidents (Kaprun 2000, floods 2002). These disasters motivated to develop immediate support for people affected on a federal level, based on theoretical concepts.
Therefore the has developed a general framework covering all Red Cross branches and both fields of activities, the peer system for the own staff and the psycho-social support for victims. In January 2003 the Red Cross framework and the guidelines for psycho-social acute care have been homogenised in order to avoid parallelism. Teams are mostly made up of volunteers and support other relief organisations.
As mentioned above, appropriate structures have been established by the Austrian Red Cross so that organisations can provide prompt psychosocial support. Post trauma support is well established and serves amongst other reasons, to avoid more serious long term affects to the health of individuals.
Homogenous standards have been established on a national level, so that different systems can be compatible in the case of disasters, in areas such as: training, organisational structures, intervention indicators. Over the years an information campaign has taken place along with enlarging emergency response teams.
Since 2005 Austrian Red Cross is running a telephone counselling line, called “Ö3 Kummernummer”, on a daily basis together with the most common Austrian radio station, “Hitradio Ö3” (as part of the public service broadcasting of Austria).
Until the end of 2006 Austrian Red Cross has trained about 900 volunteers and paid staff in psychosocial aftercare, approx. 490 peers to support our own helpers and 150 volunteers in telephone counselling for providing the Ö3 Kummernummer.
How is the service provided?
General principle: The decision to deploy a psycho-social support team does not depend on the number of those affected, but on the degree of possible traumatisation. The services are available free of charge to all residents.
The objective of this support is the recovery of the capacity to act and the support in the mourning process. The affected person needs to be cared for and accompanied in his/her coping with this traumatic situation. Moreover, it is envisaged to make the social network of the person (e.g. friends, neighbours, etc.) available. Should the psycho-social team-member detect that further professional therapeutic or psychiatric interventions are needed he is called upon organising this. In this respect the there is a cooperation with professional organisations.
The mission does not cover only the classical support dialogue but also the creation of the requested structure. Through practical assistance and evaluation of the event the person concerned gets a clearer picture of the next steps to be taken. In this respect it is most important to reactivate the self-coping measures of the person in need. The psycho-social team member has to commit himself to respect the obligation of secrecy.
In scientific terms the psycho-social support has to be understood as a prevention measure. Traumatic events can create post-traumatic stress disorder which result in further health risks and damage. Therefore the system acts in an area which is a central demand of pre-clinical emergency medicine and has therefore to be understood as an extended field of activity of the ambulance and rescue service. The deployment of psycho-social support has to be launched immediately after the event, which means already within the rescue operation itself and is therefore an emergency intervention and not a therapy. In other words it closes the gap between the event itself and the possibly necessary psychological support measures long after the event.
The detailed goals of the support:
- Emotional stabilisation
- Restoring an ability to act
- Providing information and support for family members who were not directly involved in the event.
- Networking with institutions that offer psycho-social follow-up care.
- Reduction of the acute stress
- Prevention of secondary illnesses
Members of psycho-social support teams provide support during the first few hours after an unusually critical stressful experience by
- taking time to listen
- responding to momentary needs
- assisting people affected, other people involved and survivors to express their feelings and
- accept them as a normal response to an abnormal event
- helping people affected, other people involved and survivors to put the incomprehensible
- event in words and place it in some kind of context
- providing support when those who have suffered a bereavement bid farewell to the deceased
When does the Crisis Intervention team provide care?
- After traumatic events in the family setting or in the public - for victims or relatives or witnesses (e.g. death by illness, injury or suicide of a beloved)
- disasters in cooperation with the local authorities
- Support to persons who lost the basics of their lives
- Support to people affected by natural and man-made disasters and large accidents
Recent emergencies and disasters in Austria, where psycho-social support was needed:
- 1998: Lassing (Province Styria) | Mine accident
- 1999: Galtür, Valzur (Province Tyrol) | Avalanche
- 1999: Tauerntunnel (Province Salzburg) | Road tunnel fire
- 1999: Bergisel / Innsbruck (Province Tyrol) | Crowd panic in a stadium
- 2000: Kaprun (Province Salzburg) | Fire in a funicular train
- 2002: Province Upper Austria, Province Lower Austria | Floods
- 2005: Province Tyrol, Province Vorarlberg | Floods
- 2005: South East Asia | Tsunami
- 2006: Sölden (Province Tyrol) | Cable car/helicopter accident
- 2006: Province Upper Austria | Floods
Belgian Red Cross - Flemish Community
Who is responsible for psychosocial support (PSS)?
Rode Kruis-Dringende Social Interventie, Belgian Red Cross (Flanders)
Social Intervention Service functions as point of reference for PSP within the NS.
Contact for PSS
Koen Van Praet
Phone: +32-15 44 34 99
Fax: +32-15-44 33 07
e-mail: koen.vanpraet(at)
Website of the national society or PSS
Field of psychosocial support at the moment
- Immediate psychosocial support following disasters and incidents. Within hours up to a month.
- PSS to Belgian Red Cross(Flanders) volunteers and staff.
- Managing and training Emergency Care Team at Brussels Airport
- Training and implementing Crisis PSS network at community level
- Psychological First Aid to the public
- Major incidents
- Workplace accidents and violence
- Youth organisations
- Airports
Scope of activities:
- Psychosocial support /Professional advices for organizations where it is needed
- Training, information and crisis management
- To help various organisations (from local Youth group tot Council of the EU) to integrate PSS aspects in their Contingency planning
- Training of internal resources in risks’ contexts (councillor of the EU, NATO, penitentiary facilities,…)
- ...
Belgian Red Cross - French Community
Who is responsible for psychosocial support (PSS)?
The Psychosocial Emergency Assistance Unit (Sisu)
Contact for PSS
Anne Sophie Delizee
Phone: +32-81-58 57 21
Fax: +32-81-74 67 72
Website of the national society or PSS
Field of psychosocial support at the moment
- Immediate psychosocial support following disasters and incidents;
- Training and implementing PSS network at community level (authorities, psychosocial workers,…);
- PSS to volunteers and staff from Belgian Red Cross (French community) : our international delegates / our national staff from reception centers for asylum seekers and refugees / our national staff from the emergency and rescue department (“112” ambulance) / … ;
- Managing and training Emergency Care Team “Stressteam” at Fedasil (the Belgian Federal Agency for the reception of refugees and asylum seekers).
- Major incidents;
- Workplace violence and accidents;
- Public Minstries;
- Airports;
- Youth Organisations;
- Social Organisations.
Scope of activities
- Training, information and Crisis management;
- Psychosocial support / Professional advices for organizations where it is needed
- To help various Organisations to integrate PSS aspects in their Contingency planning
- Training of internal resources in ‘risks’ contexts.
The Red Cross Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Who is responsible for psychosocial support (PSS)?
Ivona Matić
Contact for PSS
Contact person 1
Emir Krehić
Phone: +387 33 666 009
Fax: +387 33 666 010
e-mail: emir.krehic(at)
Contact person 2
Ivona Matić
Phone: +387 200 147/8/151
Fax: +387 200 147
e-mail: ivona(at)
Website of the national society or PSS
Field of psychosocial support at the moment
- Home care programme
- Population movement
- Disaster management
- PSP is included in all this activities
Bulgarian Red Cross
Who is responsible for psychosocial support (PSS)?
Youth Department
Disaster Preparedness & ResponseDepartment
Contact for PSS
Contact person 1
Denitsa Baramova
Phone: +359-2-8164807
Fax: +359-2-8164780
e-mail: d.baramova(at)
Contact person 2
Henrieta Ilieva-Stoyanova
Phone: +359-2-8164888
Fax: +359-2-8164780
e-mail: henriettailieva(at)
Website of the national society or PSS
Field of psychosocial support at the moment
- Ongoint trainings at the 17 Youth Emergency Teams operating throughout the country and affiliated to 17 BRC local councils. The work at the Youth Emergency Teams is coordinated by the Bulgarian Red Cross Youth (BRC Youth Department).
- Ongoing trainings in psychosocial support for the 5 Disaster Response Teams coordinated by the Disaster Preparedness and Response Department at the BRC.
- Ongoing trainings in psychological first aid for the mountain Search-and-Rescue Teams at the Bulgarian Red Cross, coordinated by the BRC Mountain Rescue Service.
- Ongoing trainings in psychological first aid for the water (flood) rescue teams, coordinated by the BRC Water Life Saving Service.
- Psychosocial support provided as part of the home-care programme for senior citizens coordinated by the BRC Social Welfare Department.
- Psychosocial support for children and youngsters / social care institutions, coordinated by the BRC Youth.
Czech Red Cross
Who is responsible for psychosocial support (PSS)?
Karel Konecny – Chief of Emergency Response Unit
Contact for PSS
Emergency Response Unit
Karel Konecny
Phone: +420 602 247 208
ERU general e-mail: ukt.cck(at)
e-mail: konecny.karel(at)
e-mail2: karel.konecny21(at)
Website of the national society or PSS (national society) (ERU sites – english version)
Field of psychosocial support at the moment
- Coordination of PSS and crisis intervetion in the disaster´s moment
- Network for PSS - among GO and NGO´s companies
- Disaster management
- Preparing a framework for PSS defining minimum standards in Czech Red Cross
- PSS, PFA Training for CRC members
Scope of other activities:
- Coordination of humanitarian and first aid
- Cooperation with terain crisis team
- Increasing expertise relating to PSS and crisis intervention
- Support local teams of Czech Red Cross
Recent emergencies and disasters in Czech Republic relating to PSS:
2006: Olomouc – Moravia (floods)
2009: Novy Jicin – Moravia (floods)
2009: Jesenik - Moravia (floods)
2010: Troubky - Moravia (floods)
2010: Liberec – Czech (floods)
2012: Bzenec – Moravia (forest fire –emergency status only)
2013: Melnik – Czech (floods)
Croatian Red Cross
Who is responsible for psychosocial support (PSS)?
Selma Ilic, Head of Asylum and Migration Department
Contact for PSS
Marija Juzbasic
Phone: +385981933672
Fax: +3851 4655 365
e-mail: marija.juzbasic(at)
Danijela Stiplosek
Phone: +385993968601
Fax: +3851 4655 365
e-mail: danijela.stiplosek(at)
Website of the national society or PSS
Field of psychosocial support at the moment
Psychosocial support in emergencies
- Basic and advanced PSS trainings for staff and volunteers
- PSS response in big and small scale national emergencies
- Development of Caring for staff and volunteers system
- Development of local PSS materials
- Participation at PSSiE projects
- PS support in case of airplane accidents
Recent emergencies in Croatia relating to PSS:
2014 – floods (Vukovar-Syrmia County)
2015 – migration response
2018 – landslides (Hrvatska Kostajnica)
Psychosocial support to vulnerable groups
- PS support to asylum seekers in the Reception Centers for asylum seekers
- PS support to refugees
- PS support to unaccompanied asylum seeking children
- PS support to victims of trafficking
Psychosocial support in local branches
- PS support to elderly
- PS support to people with disabilities
Cyprus Red Cross Society
Who is responsible for psychosocial support (PSS)?
Melissa Tsimon, Program Manager for Psychosocial Support
Contact for PSS
Contact person 1
Ms Thalia Vourkidou
Phone: (+357) 22 666955
Fax: (+357) 22 666956
e-mail: secretary(at)
Contact person 2
Melissa Tsimon
Program Manager for Psychosocial Support
Website of the national society or PSS
Field of psychosocial support at the moment
The Cyprus Red Cross Society (CRCS) although is a very small organization, has done a remarkable work in the field of the psychosocial support.
The most significant humanitarian work of the CRCS was in the summer of 1974, when the Turks invaded the half part of Cyprus. CRCS was present, in a daily basis, and provided humanitarian aid to the wounded, enclaved and missing persons. CRCS’s volunteers were working in the hospitals, helped in the evacuation, distributed food and clothing and evacuated old or sick people who were stranded or isolated in the hostility. Also CRCS provided psychosocial support to the thousand of families who lost/ missing members of their family, people who lost their properties etc. CRCS provided its services to both Greek and Turk, to the wounded and disableb without any bias or discrimination.
Up until now, for 34 years, the CRCS organizes tours and picnics for the enclaved people to the south side (free side) of the island. Once a week, 4 times a month, 52 days a year, members and volunteers accompanied the enclaved people, discuss with them, help them, if needed and support them. CRCS also provides assistance to all refugees in Cyprus.
Another important humanitarian work of the CRCS was in the summer of 2006 with the Lebanese evacuation. Thousand of Lebanese were arriving to Cyprus’s airports and ports. CRCS’s volunteers were present in a daily basis and were providing help and psychosocial support to the evacuees.
In case of an emergency, CRCS has a good cooperation with all the Governmental Services, especially with the Ministry of Interior and Health. Tracing of the missing persons, reuniting families with their relatives and helping them communicate. Psychosocial support to the displaced or enclaved persons and communicating with them.
In times of peace, CRCS’s volunteers and members pay visits of love to elderly houses, hospitals, foundations for people with special disabilities, houses etc.
The CRCS Youth Section visits children homes and elderly houses especially during the Christmas and the Easter period.
The CRCS provides humanitarian aid and support to the thousands of migrants and asylum seekers that visit, in a daily basis, its offices all over the island.
CRCS another significant field, is the Home for Sick Children. Unique in its kind in Cyprus, the Red Cross Home provides care for about 75 children aged 0-18 years, suffering from serious physical disabilities, such as cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, various syndromes and other serious growth problems. Besides medical care and nursing, the children are offered physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, while being provided also with special aids to help them move more comfortably around. Special attention is given to the suitable entertainment of children, the creation of a family atmosphere for them and the general enhancement of their quality of life. Also great importance is given to the families of the children by volunteers when they visit the Home and discussing and supporting them.
Danish Red Cross
Who is responsible for psychosocial support (PSS)?
Louise Vinther-Larsen (National Department)
Contact for PSS
Louise Vinther-Larsen
Phone: +45 35 25 93 53
Website of the national society or PSS
Field of psychosocial support at the moment
- Psychosocial Support to vulnerable families – Family Network Groups
- Psychosocial Support to dying and/or lonely people
- Psychosocial Support and dialogue groups for children and youth with imprisoned parents
- Psychosocial Support to women who suffered domestic violence (and support to their children) through the Women’s Network
- Visiting service for prisoners
- Psychosocial Support to ethnic minority groups inkl. unaccompanied minors
- Summer camps for families
PS Training
Ongoing master training for our Roster of volunteer trainers. Members facilitate PS-training for peers/volunteers working with PS activities (list above).
Danish Red Cross Youth
- Social Clubs for children and youth
- Play-rooms for children at crisis centers
- Summer camps for children and youth
- Loneliness
- Homework Cafes
- Mentoring for prisoners and minority groups
- Hotline for youth in crisis
Asylum Work
- Play activities
- Support to unaccompanied minors
- Psycho-education
Estonian Red Cross
Who is responsible for psychosocial support (PSS)?
Irita Raismaa
Phone: +372 5347 9168
Contact for PSS
Contact person 1
Name: Haide Laanemets
Phone: +372 6411643
Fax: +372 6411641
e-mail: haide.laanemets(at)
Contact person 2
Name: Gert Teder
Phone: +372 51930679
Fax: +372 6411641
e-mail: gert.teder(at)
Website of the national society or PSS:
Field of psychosocial support at the moment
- Training of Primary Care Units (PC-Unit) staffed by volunteers. PC-unit members are responsible for Psychosocial Support, First Aid, Sheltering and Restoring Family Links of Victims in case of emergencies.
- Training of Disaster Preparedness Units (DP-Unit) trained on First Aid, Psychosocial Support, Search and Rescue, Primary Care, HIV/AIDS Prevention and International Humanitarian Law. The Units can be deployed in domestic disasters or major accidents.
- The programme of Basic First Aid Training Course aimed at the general public contains 2 hours session on psychosocial support in case of accidents.
- Trainings as a service on psychosocial support aimed at the general public are available.
- Visiting Service (as a service) in Paldisici Branch incl. Psychosocial Support for elderly living alone.
- Leaflet on Psychosocial Support for the general public is published.
- Preparation of Peer Training on Psychosocial Support targeted at Youth is in the process and will be implemented in the near future.
Finnish Red Cross
Who is responsible for psychosocial support (PSS)?
Tuula Luoma, Planning Officer, Psychosocial support
Contact for PSS
Tuula Luoma, Planning Officer, Psychosocial support
Phone: + 358 20 701 2130
e-mail: tuula.luoma(at)
Website of the national society or PSS
Field of psychosocial support at the moment
- Training of PSS, training of trainers
- Coordination of preparedness group of psychologists
- Relief from the disaster fund in national accidents
French Red Cross
Who is responsible for psychosocial support (PSS)?
National: Carole CRETIN, Social care department director.
National: Rosine DUHAMEL, Psychosocial telephone helpline, Croix Rouge Ecoute, and the National Psychosocial Network.
International: Cecilie ALESSANDRI, Psychosocial desk officer for international relations and operations direction.
Contact for PSS National
Phone: + 33 1 44 43 13 34
Contact for PSS International
Phone: +33 1 44 43 13 67
Field of psychosocial support at the moment
- Croix-Rouge Ecoute and Croix-Rouge Ecoute…les détenus (helpline)
- National network of volunteers (mental health professions) responsible for psychological support (in charge of providing psychological support to FRC volunteers and technical advisers in psychological support)
- Psychosocial support trainings
- Suicide prevention program for prisoners
- Provide Psychosocial support to vulnerable population in emergency and development situations (refugees, people living with HIV with special focus on children living with HIV and prevention for most at risk population including sex workers and detainees, conflicts survivors, Protection, GBV and SGBV, mother and child health care including malnutrition prevention and treatment)
- Training in PSS and stress management
- PSS staff and volunteers supervision and support
Georgian Red Cross Society
Who is responsible for psychosocial support (PSS)?
Ketevan Mindeli, Head of the Health & Care Department
Contact for PSS
Nino Siradze, Psychologist, PSS Focal Point
Phone: +995 32 47 64 89
Fax: +995 32 95 33 04
e-mail: pss(at)
private: ninukasiradze(at)
Website of the national society or PSS:
Field of psychosocial support at the moment
Georgia Red Cross Society (GRCS) started developing PSS direction as a response to the conflict situation in Georgia in August, 2008. In 2008 there were small-scale psychosocial projects implemented (provision of psychosocial assistance in and around Gori). The GRCS volunteer psychologists offered psychological consultations to ID families in Gori camp city. A total of 40 children (from 6 till 12 years), 44 women and 56 teenagers were targeted.
Besides, there were six 10-days rehabilitation camps implemented for 400 children aged 3 to 15 years and 67 parents from Tskhinvali Region and Conflict Affected Areas (coping with Post Traumatic Stress).
Throughout 2008-2009 supported by ICRC and IFRC the GRCS started building PSS capacity and establishing PSS volunteer network in 5 target branches. The PSS team members were trained based on the Training kit, elaborated by the IFRC Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support (the PS Centre). The informational-educational material was elaborated and distributed among community members: “Managing stress”, “Healthy self-esteem”, “Resolving conflict”, Understanding loss and grief”, “Controlling anger”.
In 2009 with technical support of the IFRC PS Centre there was GRCS PSS Strategy developed. In December 2009 the strategy was presented to representatives of the governmental and non-governmental sectors.
The GRCS recognises that psychosocial factors influence the well-being of individuals and communities and includes psychosocial support component in all its strategic programmes.
The GRCS ongoing PSS activities:
Health & Care projects
- DR-TB Control project – providing psychological assistance to beneficiaries. The psychological component of this project is considered as one of the determinants of its success.
- Harm Reduction project – providing individual consultations and group meetings to the project beneficiaries and their family members.
- First Aid – the PSS leader trainer-volunteers are conducting PSS trainings for FA team members in 8 target branches.
Disaster Management
The PSS component is included in the GRCS Disaster Risk Reduction projects, conducting basic trainings/trainings of trainers for community members, the GRCS local staff and volunteers in 14 target branches. The PSS teams are conducting PSS trainings, are actively involved in simulation exercises and also in response activities to local emergencies.
In the frames of the partnership between the GRCS and Armenian Red Cross Society (ARCS) in the field of DM, there were two regional ToTs conducted by the delegates from Icelandic Red Cross, Palestine Red Crescent Society, the ARCS and the GRCS Master Trainers, with main focus on Children’s Resilience Programme (CRP), elaborated by the IFRC PS Centre. In 2014-2015 it is planned to implement the CRP in target schools in both countries.
Activities on international level:
Since 2008 the GRCS psychologists are actively involved in the ENPS Annual Forums. Participation in the forums enhances cooperation between the GRCS and other partners/NSs who work in the PSS direction.
Since 2013 the GRCS PSS focal point is on the PS Centre Roster list. In the frames of this cooperation, in 2013 there was a PSS ToT conducted for representatives of 9 Russian-speaking countries in Moscow, Russia.
In 2014 together with two psychologists from Belarusian Red Cross Society the GRCS PSS Master Trainer conducted a PSS ToT for staff and volunteers of the Ukrainian Red Cross Society in Kiev, Ukraine.
German Red Cross
Who is responsible for psychosocial support (PSS)?
Experts in regional branches for national programmes
Experts from Host national society for international programmes
Contact for PSS
Doreen Branse
Phone: +49 30 85404 - 381
Fax: +49 30 85404 - 6381
e-mail: D.Branse(at)
Website of the national society or PSS
Field of psychosocial support at the moment
- established a framework for PSS defining minimum standards for PSS in all RC branches and a common understanding of the role of GRC in PSS
- development of training curricula and teaching materials for psychosocial support in the field of crisis intervention
- development of training curricula and teaching materials for psychosocial support for volunteers and emergency medical teams
- roll out and coordination of PSS trainings at different levels including sensitization modules on PSS for management staff
- continuous coordination with all relevant stakeholders for psychosocial support at national level and active participation in the definition of common standards for psychosocial support in disaster situations and national emergencies (Konsensuskonferenz)
- German RC BHC and Field Hospital ERU can be deployed with PSS module
- PSS activities to be mainstreamed in relevant integrated international programmes with the aim to strengthen resilience
Hellenic Red Cross
Who is responsible for psychosocial support (PSS)?
Ms Zefi Thanassoula, Head of Social Welfare Division
Email: swd(at) or zefi04(at)
Tel:+30 210 3605631, +30 210 3629842
Contact for PSS
Mr Menelaos Kanakis, HRC PSS Coordinator
Tel: +30 210 3613574
Website of the national society or PSS
Field of psychosocial support at the moment
The Social Welfare Division of the Hellenic Red Cross was established in 1965. Since then, it has been active in the support of all vulnerable people in need, both in Greece and abroad. The Division responds to social needs, by implementing a number of humanitarian activities.
All the activities of the Social Welfare Division refer to the following fields of action:
Target groups: children and families, patients, homeless, unemployed and other social excluded or minority groups
AIM OF THE PROGRAMMES: the reinforcement and support of all the above mentioned vulnerable groups in order to reconcile themselves and cope better with everyday life difficulties, as well as, the provision of the humanitarian aid.
Main activities:
- Psychosocial support
- Counselling to individuals and families
- Active information for Rights and Social Benefits on training, health care, social insurance, housing, financial allowance
- Vocational counselling, labor orientation, empowerment and labor integration of unemployed people
- Financial support, provision of materials
Aim of the programmes: the prevention of the biological and social difficulties of the elderly and disabled people through health and welfare activities and their involvement in a number of community actions for their mobilization and self – organization.
Main activities:
- Psychosocial – emotional support of the beneficiaries
- Health care activities (nursing at home – physiotherapy health nutrition seminars, preventive medicine programs)
- Consultation and information (advice concerning every day life, pension, geriatric care etc)
- Support and help in case of illness (need of care visits to the hospital, self – help groups, escort to the agencies)
- Culture, education, leisure amenities and entertainment facilities (choir, theatre, gymnastics, folklore dances, swimming cultural events, handicrafts etc)
- Cooperation with other community services and centers for the aged and the disabled
Aim of the programme: to provide a safe living environment, feeding, personal hygiene care, security and help to homeless people, individuals or families. Moreover, to provide support services, such as actions for social reintegration and promotion to the Labor Market, with the view to avoid the social exclusion of homeless people.
Target groups:
- Unemployed over 45 years old
- Large families who experience, in several sectors, the social exclusion
- Women who face social exclusion
- People with lack of access to secure living environment
- People excluded from the Labor Market
Aim of the programmes: to provide social support and integration services to the target group in order to encourage them to participate actively in greek society. At the same time, they are encouraged to retain their cultural identity.
Main activities:
- Legal and psychosocial support
- Facilitation of refugees’ access to education and employment
- Health care services (vaccination, check up, prevention seminars, escort to the hospitals)
- Educational activities for children and adults (Greek/English language course, homework assistance, computer courses)
- Accommodation, provision of food clothing, hygiene or other material help
- Interpretation
- Telephone line for their support and information
- Intercultural and recreational activities
- Creation of informal networks among refugees
- Project to the community with the refugees’ positive contribution to the society (radio broadcastings, press releases, exhibitions, events etc.)
The Hellenic Red Cross operates three “Accommodation Centers for Unaccompanied Migrant Children” in Athens, Volos and Kalavryta.
The centres offers hospitality to ninety (90) unaccompanied migrant children in total, aged mainly between 15 and 18 years old.
The majority of them are mostly from Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, Bangladesh, Algeria.
Services provided:
- Provision of food and accommodation
- Counselling and psychosocial support both in individual and group level
- Legal support
- Translation / mediation to community agencies
- Escort to asylum services and hospitals
- Intercultural and recreational activities
Volunteers have a vital role to play in fulfilling the mission of the HRC as they provide invaluable assistance during the daily operation of Social Welfare Division social services. In order to deal with constantly increasing social needs, our Division recruits, trains and supervises volunteers, intending to develop and reinforce their talents and creative skills. Under the guidance of social workers, volunteers are given more responsibility and independence, as they are deployed through HRC services and programmes.
In Athens, the number of active volunteers reaches 2.500*, while in local branches 2.000. ( * In this number we don’t refer to the overall number of the “pool” of volunteers that are mobilized and undertake activities on a non –regular basis. In that sense, the actual number is rated higher.)
The H.R.C volunteers provide their services in structures of “closed protection” (for children, elderly people, people with special needs, etc), in reception & Accommodation Centers for asylum seekers and refugees and other vulnerable groups of population.
Fields of actions of volunteers:
For the elderly
- Offer them company by visiting them at home
- Minimize their feeling of loneliness
- Facilitate their access to health services, insurance organizations, and other services
- Participate in the planning of entertainment and festivities at Day Care Center for the Protection of the Elderly, etc.
For Person with special needs and people in poor health
- Provide them with assistance to solve problems of everyday life
- Accompany them to hospitals and services
- Offer support and company to lonely hospitalised patients
- Keep company to children and adults who live in institutions
For families and children
- Support emotionally and practically pregnant women, socially excluded women, the sick or injured persons, as well their families
- Teach children Greek or English
- Tutor children
- Organize creative activities for the children (festivities during holidays, excursions etc.)
For refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants
- Mediate with public and community agencies or institutions
- Offer Greek language courses
- Tutor
- Help them integrate into the local society ( by organizing intercultural events or other kind of activities)
- Support them to find a job
Aim of the European networks: the dissemination of information / experience and the promotion of best practice.
- PERCO: is the Platform for European Red Cross Cooperation on Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Migrants. The aim of PERCO is to develop and strengthen the Red Cross activities for and with refugees and migrants on a national and international level and promote cooperation among European National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in order to improve the situation of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants
- ENDO: European Network for the Development of volunteerism aims to exchange experience and best practice, to promote volunteerism and develop new fields of activities.
- ENPS:The aim of the network is the exchange of experience, know – how and best practice in the field of Psychosocial Support.
The Hellenic Red Cross is actively involved in emergency and relief operations implementing activities, such as rescue activities, provision of humanitarian assistance, first aid, psychosocial support.
The professional and voluntary staff of Social Welfare Division participates actively to the emergency intervention HRC teams.
Icelandic Red Cross
Who is responsible for psychosocial support (PSS)?
National departement
Helga G. Halldorsdottir (National director)
Focal point - Contact for PSS
Elfa Dögg S. Leifsdóttir
Phone: +354 570 4000
e-mail: elfal(at)
Website of the national society or PSS
Field of psychosocial support at the moment
- Courses on PS for RC volunteers
- Advance trainings for RC volunteers who want to specialize in PS
- PS courses in PS for general public and professionals
- Including PS in RC programs such as home visiting for elderly, prisoners, asylum and RC hotline
- PS in Disaster preparedness
- PS courses for refugees – adults – children
- IRC crises intervention teams
- Funding school based project in Palestine together with Danish Red Cross
Irish Red Cross
Who is responsible for psychosocial support (PSS)?
Gerry O’Sullivan
Brian Glanville
Contact for PSS
Contact person 1
Gerry O’Sullivan
Phone: +353 1 834 5964 – 087 2736659
Fax: +353 1 834 5964
e-mail: cherryhound(at)
Contact person 2
Secretary General Irish Red Cross
Phone: +353 1 676 5135
Fax: +353 1 661 4461
Website of the national society or PSS
Field of psychosocial support at the moment
- Provide training to all volunteers & delegates in Stress Awareness
- Provide peer support on regional bases
- Provide referral to professional help
- Provide information + material to all peer supports
- Annual review: peer supporters
- Provide service to local community
- Attend all ENPS forums
Italian Red Cross
Who is responsible for psychosocial support (PSS)?
Dott.ssa Alessandra Lagorio: Head Officer Social Unit - Psychological and Psychosocial Activities.
Dott.ssa Simona Torre: Officer Social Unit - Psychological and Psychosocial Activities.
Contact for PSS
Dott.ssa Simona Torre: Officer Social Unit - Psychological and Psychosocial Activities.
Phone: +39 06 47596239
e-mail: simona.torre(at)
Via B. Ramazzini 31
00151- Roma -Italy
Website of the national society or PSS
Field of psychosocial support at the moment
- Provide psychosocial support to staff and volunteers of Red Cross following critical events
- Support the population involved in emergency or daily critical situations or people who are assisted by Red Cross
- Ensure training on psychosocial issues to staff and volunteers of Red Cross on psychosocial issues
Red Crescent Society of Kyrgyzstan
Who is responsible for psychosocial support (PSS)?
Contact for PSS
Elina Briabina
Tel.: +996 (312 )300190 ext. 121
Mob.:+996 (553 )959178
Skype: bryabina
email: e.bryabina(at)
Website of the national society or PSS
Psychosocial support (PSS) in RCSK for 2017
Case study: The Red Crescent Society of Kyrgyzstan provided support for affected peo-ple of Dacha-Su plane crash, their families and emergency response personnel through psychosocial support and cash distribution.
Тематическое исследование: Национальное Общество Красного Полумесяца Кыр-гызстана (НОКП КР) оказало поддержку пострадавшим в результате авиакатастро-фы в Дача-Су, их семьям и персоналу подразделений быстрого реагирования, предоставляя психосоциальную поддержку и безусловные денежные гранты
Field of psychosocial support at the moment
Health & Social Care activities:
- HIV, hepatitis, TB and other infections prevention. All of patients receive psychosocial and humanitarian assistance; the network of nurses covers TB patients with resistant forms of tuberculosis, helping to lead uninterrupted and effective medical treatment;
- Care of lonely elderly people, children in difficult life situation and persons with disabilities – providing psychosocial support, right equipment and home help;
- Livelihood activities for women in difficult life situation, where RCSK teaches them sewing and life skills.
Disaster Management activities:
- Tracing service helps separated relatives to search and find each other, build relationship between them;
- Disaster Risk Reduction includes PSS component, where trained trainers/ instructors conduct basic trainings for community leaders in rural and remote areas in all 7 provinces. All local disaster community teams are actively involved in simulation exercises and in response activities to local disasters;
- All 9 National Disaster Response Teams (NDRT) are trained in field of DM knowledge, including Psychological First Aid (PFA). In additional, they always engage to disaster response with Ministry of Emergency Situation (MoES);
- Provide PFA courses for rescue and social workers.
Luxembourg Red Cross
Who is responsible for psychosocial support (PSS)?
Contact for PSS
Nadine Conrardy
Phone - Mobile:
e-mail: nadine.conrardy(at)
Jill Terres
Phone - Mobile:
e-mail: Jill.Terres(at)
Website of the national society or PSS
Field of psychosocial support at the moment
Who is responsible for psychosocial support (PSS)?
Dr. Naglaa Rashwan
Regional PSP Coordinator
Contact for PSS
Dr. Naglaa Rashwan
Phone: +962-6-5681060
Fax: +962-6-5694556
Mobile: +962-79-7266657
e-mail: naglaa.rashwan(at)
Mailing address: P.O.Box: 830511 Zahran, Amman 11118, Jordan
The Netherlands Red Cross
Who is responsible for psychosocial support (PSS)?
Contact for PSS
Carolien Pronk
Phone: 0031 612140974
Website of the national society or PSS
Field of psychosocial support at the moment
- Migrants
Portuguese Red Cross
Who is responsible for psychosocial support (PSS)?
Ines Carolina Ribeiro
Contact for PSS
Ines Carolina Ribeiro
email: ines.ribeiro(at)
Website of the national society or PSS
Field of psychosocial support at the moment
now, we are trying to define goals for all branches and training the people in a normative way (materials from the PS Centre).
The Russian Red Cross Society
Who is responsible for psychosocial support (PSS)?
Coordinator of PSS programs, RRC Headquarters, Moscow, Russia
Contact for PSS
Chibisenkova Liliya
Phone: +8 499 126 47 83; +7 495 998 26 86
Fax:+8 499 126 47 83
Website of the national society or PSS
Field of psychosocial support at the moment
- Since January 2005 up till now Russian Red Cross with the support of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies has bee implementing the Program “Psychosocial support of victims of the terrorist attack in Beslan”. The staff consisting of 30psychosocial workers has been trained. We opened a first center in the history of RRC – Russian Red Cross Center for PPS Support.
- About 239 families receive home PSD support on constant basis: empathy, active listening, informing, finding of stress coping techniques.
- Group work with the purpose of resocialisation, adaptation to new life, studios of empowerment of intellectual and creative resources’: computer, skills, foreign languages club, photo studio, gym studio.
- Since April 2007, a new project “PPS Support for families of the miners who died in the explosions in two mines in the Southern Keezbuss (Siberia)”. This is emergency operation with PSSS support. This project has been realizing as distribution of Beslan experience.
Red Cross of Serbia
Who is responsible for psychosocial support (PSS)?
Contact for PSS
Contact person 1:
Dr. Milutin Vracevic
Phone: +381 62 880 15 33
e-mail: milutin(at)
Contact for PSS:
Nataša Todorović
Phone: +381 62 880 15 31
e-mail: natasa(at)
Website of the national society or PSS
Field of psychosocial support at the moment
- PS support to migrants
- PS support to older people
- PS support for informal careers
- PS support in emergencies
Spanish Red Cross
Who is responsible for psychosocial support (PSS)?
María Abengózar Carneros
Contact for PSS
María Abengózar Carneros
Phone: +34 91 335 43 17
e-mail: mabengozar(at)
Daniel Losada (DM Unit)
e-mail: d.losada(at)
Website of the national society or PSS
Field of psychosocial support at the moment?
- Training and support to the volunteers and staff working in emergencies, carrying out psychosocial projects, crisis intervention and members of the psychosocial intervention teams in emergencies.
- Support to vulnerable people as migrants, refugees, people affected by HIV, women victims of gender abuse, elderly people.
- Psychosocial support in emergencies to victims and their families by specialized multidisciplinary teams (ERIE in its Spanish acronym) that provide an integral approach, taking care of medical, social and psychological needs.
- Implementation of psychosocial projects in the field of the International Cooperation, both in emergency situations (disasters) and in development programs (long-term).
Swedish Red Cross
Who is responsible for psychosocial support (PSS)?
Swedish Red Cross, National department / Preparedness and crisis management unit.
Head of unit: Jonas Prawitz
email: Jonas.Prawitz(at)
Contact for PSS
Contact persons
Sara Hedrenius
Phone +4684524730
email: Sara.Hedrenius(at)
Lena Tynnemark
Phone: +4684524753
email: Lena.Tynnemark(at)
Website of the national society or PSS
Field of psychosocial support at the moment
- Visiting service to mostly elderly
- Visiting service in prisons and custodies
- Telephone support lines open daily and once a week open with arab speaking volunteers
- Support groups for informal carers
- Red Cross hosts in hospital entrances and emergency care units
- Visiting service to seriously ill patients in hospitals
- Support teams in case of crisis at the airports and harbors
Turkish Red Crescent Society
Who is responsible for psychosocial support (PSS)?
Public Health and Psychosocial Services Directorate
Contact for PSS
Ayse CELIK, Public Health and Psychosocial Services
Phone: +90 312 293 6093
Fax: +90 312 430 0175
E-mail: psychosocial(at)
Website of the national society or PSS
Field of psychosocial support at the moment
1. Community based psychosocial support activities for Syrians
15 Active Community Centers in 14 cities;
Needs assesment, Protection and case management, Psychoeducation and trainings for adults, children, parents, teachers; Individual psychological counselling and psychotherapy, Support groups, Social and cultural harmonization activities, Volunteer involvement (professional / non-professional), Staff support activities (staff and volunteers), Livelihood, Capacity building (staff, volunteers and TRC branches)
2. Social Services and social care programs for vulnerable groups
Routine social and financial support program, East & South East Anatolia social & psychosocial aid activities, Activities for the elderly: Community-based home care and guest houses, supporting juvenile delinquents and their families
3. Regional and local PS capacity building activities
- Bingol Earthquake, 2003,
- Pakistan Earthquake, 2005
- Van Earthquake, 2011
- South Asia Tsunami Relief – Thailand, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, 2004
- Bingöl Flood, November 2006
- Iraq Crisis, TRCS Refugee Camps, March 2003
- Soma Mine Disaster, 2014
- Ermenek Mine Disaster, 2014
- Train Crash, July 2004
- A school bus traffic accident in Izmir, April 2007
- Ankara-Ulus Bombing, July 2007
- Gungoren Istanbul Bombing, 2007
- Coup Attempt in 2016
British Red Cross
Who is responsible for psychosocial support (PSS)?
Sarah Davidson, Head of Psychosocial Support
Contact for PSS
Dr. Sarah Davidson
Head of Psychosocial Support
British Red Cross
44 Moorfields
London EC2Y 9AL
Direct Line: +44 (0)207 877 7957
Mobile: +44(0)7595 281647
e-mail: SDavidson(at)
Website of the national society or PSS
Field of psychosocial support at the moment
Psychosocial support is integrated into every service provided by the British Red Cross and psychosocial competencies underpin various training programmes including the induction of British Red Cross volunteers who deliver services. Psychosocial support is also featured in a wide array of guidance, such as on professional boundaries, managing challenging situations, family support, delivering news and debriefing.
The British Red Cross runs the following services in the UK:
- Emergency Planning and Response, including running telephone support lines following major crises (such as after the London bombings)
- Event First Aid and Ambulance Support
- Independent Living, supporting people in their homes
- International Family Tracing
- Refugee Support, providing refugees and asylum seekers with practical and emotional support.
The British Red Cross' psychosocial framework is known as: CALMER.
- CALMER advocates the assessment of risks and individual needs, the promotion of dignity and recognition of diversity and equality.
- CALMER includes six sequential steps: Consider, Acknowledge, Listen, Manage, Enable and Resource.
- CALMER emphasises the needs of responders and service users.
- CALMER is recognised by the British Psychological Society.
- CALMER is also used as a human resource tool, to structure defusings and support staff and volunteers.
- Psychosocial issues underpin the British Red Cross' individualised person-centered approach which promotes beneficiary accountability and needs led services.
Since 2005 the British Red Cross has had a partnership with the UK Government’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office to support British Nationals involved in crises around the globe. Beginning with the South East Asian Tsunami in 2004, the British Red Cross’s Psychosocial Support Teams have worked alongside the Foreign and Commonwealth Office following:
- Indian Ocean tsunami - 2005
- Qatar bombing - 2005
- Egypt bombing - 2005
- Islamabad earthquake - 2005
- Cancun hurricane -2005
- Tsunami anniversary - 2005
- Spain bus crash – 2005
- Bahrain boat sinking - 2006
- Germany bus crash - 2006
- Lebanon evacuation - 2006
- Dahab terrorist event - 2006
- Greece wild fires - 2006
- Saudi Arabia crowd crush - 2006
- Ethiopia kidnapping - 2007
- Congo conflict - 2007
- Thailand air crash – 2007
- China earthquake - 2008
- Mumbai terrorist attacks - 2008
- Zimbabwe multiple repatriations/ evacuations - 2009
- Haiti earthquake - 2010
- Madeira flash floods - 2010
- Libya evacuation - 2011
- Japan earthquake - 2011
- Cairo demonstrations - 2011
- Algeria hostage situation - 2013
- Nairobi terrorist attack - 2013
In 2014 the British Red Cross recruited Psychosocial Practitioners to provide those delivering services with reflective practice and clinical supervision groups and one to one sessions. This initiative formed part of the Psychosocial Support Resources Guidance which is based on the best practice guidelines such as IASC (2007) and Sphere (2010) guidelines. Also in 2014, two pieces of research were commissioned with regard to the effectiveness of the CALMER framework and the effectiveness of the Psychosocial Practitioners. The results from these studies are due out in 2015 and 2018 respectively.
The Psychosocial Team at the British Red Cross are currently involved in the following projects:
- Developing resources to raise the awareness of Trafficking across Europe
- Commercialising CALMER for external markets
- Improving mental health support to refugees
- Developing resources for young people around psychosocial support
- Enhancing the wellbeing of the workforce.