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The Austrian Red Cross Ethiopia Delegation transferred six ambulances to ERCS for Ethiopia's conflict-torn regions of Amhara, South Tigray, and Benishangul Gumz 

The AutRC has been in strategic cooperation with ERCS since 2008, focusing on Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and WASH. 

During the Northern Ethiopian conflict, ambulances have been looted or damaged, as have ambulance stations. For example, in Southern Tigray, the ERCS zonal branch had 48 ambulances, of which most were either looted or damaged during the conflict. In the assessment in the districts of Raya Alamata and Ofla, no ambulance exists in this area, and all the stations are looted, and some are destroyed. It is similar for North Gondar, North Wollo of the Amhara region, and Benshingul Gumuz.

Therefore, Emergency Medical Services (EMS) have been highly affected in the target areas, with timely access to medical care in referral facilities a severe challenge for many, especially for women in labor.  

AutRC collaborates with ERCS in an array of ways, ranging from strategic to improving ambulance personnel skills, procuring new ambulances, equipping existing ones, and providing operational support. AutRC transferred six fully equipped ambulances to ERCS branches in the presence of the SG, DSG, top management, PNSs, branch leaders, and well-known national media journalists.

ECHO finances five of them, while the Austrian Development Agency funds the other ambulance. Ambulances are expected to reach 24,750 people in need each year. The SG recognized AutRC's effort and sustained support. The SG, AutRC country representative, and branch heads deliver speeches during the handover event. The SG and the country representative also gave a media briefing, and there has been wide news coverage.


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