The Austrian Red Cross has reacted immediately by supporting the ARCS with funds for their immediate activities as well as by submitting a successful proposal to ECHO for the ongoing support of the ARCS emergency response. All activities are well coordinated with and complementary to the IFRC Emergency Appeal.
In the current phase of humanitarian aid the focus has shifted: while continuing to provide psycho-social support the overall activities of the ARCS aim at cash support for shelter and basic needs as well as mid to long-term livelihoods assistance, always in coordination and collaboration with the government and other humanitarian agencies.
The specific support program of ARCS together with the Austrian Red Cross focuses on 3 strongly affected provinces – Ararat, Armavir and Kotayk – and aims to help 14,806 people affected by the conflict as well as 860 aid workers and teachers to improve their mental well-being through psycho-social support. Special activities for children are also part of the program.
In addition, 3,232 displaced people are being supported with cash payments to cover their basic needs, in particular their food requirements.
Also, 4,000 displaced men and women and their family members will benefit from assistance for their economic integration through financial support, vocational training opportunities and employment services.
Altogether, the ECHO-funded RENEW project shall improve the living conditions as well as the psychosocial well-being of the people who have arrived in Armenia and shall also ensure their economic integration in the long run.